What is EMDR?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapeutic approach that helps your brain reprocess disturbing past events so you can heal and adapt in a more positive way to life around you.

So why EMDR? Your Mind is a Fortress. Your brain wants to protect you because, after all, one of the main goals your brain and body have is to keep you alive and healing. But life is not linear, and sometimes the brain needs an extra boost to help it process information.

When your brain gets overwhelmed due to traumatic experiences, it “freezes.” Instead of processing and integrating the experience into a coherent narrative that you can understand, the image of that experience becomes frozen and engraved in your system.

Because a traumatic event blocks the brain’s natural response to heal, the emotional wound festers and can cause intense suffering and change how we view ourselves and the world.

EMDR helps reprocess those blocks.

Do you ever notice yourself wondering why you can’t shake a certain feeling? Why do you keep going back to this misconception about yourself and the world?

Your mind says, “I should have done more, I am not safe, I am not in control, I am not enough, this will never change because I can’t change.”

Those comments you tell yourself keep you stuck in a never-ending cycle, keeping you fearful of the world around you.

EMDR helps you reprocess the experience embedded in your mind by going into your “frozen” experience, looking at those blocks, and pressing play. The reprocessing enables you to put the past in the past and move forward without fear.

Don’t stay frozen in the past.

That experience keeps you frozen in the past, unable to move on in your life.

Our brain is always trying to keep us alive and heal us. EMDR helps your brain start the healing process, helping you remove the blocks that keep you stuck.

We can help you get past these “frozen” memories and press play. EMDR is a proven method that helps decrease symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, depression, and unresolved trauma.

Together, we can work through these emotional blocks and start healing.

Say, ‘I’m ready to make a change!”